
Curse of the Yellow Sign

Created by John Wick

A trilogy of CALL OF CTHULHU adventures linked by the Yellow Sign. All written by Origins Award Winning Author JOHN WICK.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fragments May Production Update
over 7 years ago – Tue, May 30, 2017 at 07:38:33 PM

Hi Folks,

Hannah here, Checking in with a COTY production update. With June around the corner, we’re finishing up proofing the final Fragments pieces before sending them to layout. Here’s a timeline update:

  • March - finalize development on all pieces, begin copy editing (complete)
  • April - copy editing (complete)
  • May - final proofing
  • June - design and layout, PDF delivery of finished pieces
  • July - deliver pieces to printer

We’ve taken a little longer with the final editing and proofing passes, but we’re still close to initial estimates. Expect PDF delivery in June, with updates if anything changes. After PDFs have been delivered, the pieces will go the printer, and we’ll share another update about when to expect delivery of those physical books.

As with the last backer update, if you have timeline concerns and you’d prefer not to wait on these pieces, please let us know and we can process a refund right away. If you’ve requested a refund and you don’t think it went through, please email [email protected] and we’ll get it straightened out.

Thanks for your patience as we onboard some new folks to help support production!



An Overdue Fragments Update, and What's Next?
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 04:26:35 PM

Hi Folks,

Hannah here, checking in with a long overdue backer update. First, I want to let you know that progress on Fragments is moving forward. More details below, but we wanted to let you know that first.

So, why the silence?

As many of you know, John Wick Presents launched the 7th Sea: 2nd Edition Kickstarter in February last year. The reception was bigger than anyone expected. We’ve been proud of the communication and timely delivery dates on that project, but one bad thing happened, and that was a big slowdown—followed by a long silence—on Curse of the Yellow Sign.

John has been working hard behind-the-scenes as John Wick Presents, his small game company, suddenly grew and changed in a short period of time. One of those changes was my recent hiring as Director of Marketing for John Wick Presents. Another change was the hiring of Leonard Balsera as Creative Director.

Since we came on board, one of our big goals was to get COTY back on track, and that’s happening now. Fragments has moved into dev editing with Lenny, and I’ll be helping with public communication (like answering public Kickstarter comments) so those comments don’t get buried in the flow.

What comes next?

Lenny is now collating the various pieces that make up Fragments. Our current estimates are:

  • March - finalize development on all pieces, begin copy editing
  • April - finish copy editing and proofing, send pieces to layout
  • May - PDF delivery of finished pieces, deliver pieces to printer

In the meantime, the biggest change you’ll see is that we’ll be communicating our progress along the way. If there are any delays, we’ve got folks on staff ready to communicate that message, and we’ll let you know if slowdowns happen.

Finally, we want to express a sincere apology to you, the backers, for the prolonged silence. As fans and friends, you’ve been here to support John Wick Presents from the beginning, and we weren’t there for you in return.

I’m happy to have joined the John Wick Presents crew, and I look forward to being present—along with John and the rest of the team—while COTY moves to completion.

Finally, if you’re still waiting on rewards and you’d prefer not to wait any longer, please let us know. We’ll process a refund right away.

Thank you for supporting John and his work, and thanks for bearing with us while the company undergoes changes.

Please let me know if you have questions. If I can’t answer them, there are other folks here who can.



Update on Stuff
over 8 years ago – Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 12:40:23 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Books Are In!
over 9 years ago – Thu, Oct 08, 2015 at 12:13:30 AM

 Hey folks!

We FINALLY have books in from the printer. The hard covers just arrived and the soft covers should be arriving by Friday.

That means next week, we'll start the shipping!

THANK YOU for your patience on this one. We hit every single red light possible on our way to the finish line, but we're finally hitting it.


If you have any questions, just let us know.

The Proof is In!
over 9 years ago – Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 09:27:56 PM

Hi folks,

FINALLY! The proof is in for Curse of the Yellow Sign!

Looks good so far. We should be ordering your books shortly. Then, we'll be sending them.